german / deutsch english / englisch spanish / español



Thank you, that you are interested to place an advertice on our website. About our visitors, we have the following informations. At the moment, approximately 430 - 860 visitors (on average / exclusive of search engines) come to our site ( (400 - 800 visitors) + our partnersite (30 - 60 visitors)) every day.

They execute more than 9.000 clicks per day on the site. And we see, the most frequented pages are the HOME- and the DATABASE-Page. Nearly all visitors look through them. Also on this pages, the best advertising space (on top, on the right side) is free for your advertice.

At the moment, mostly we see on our site German speaking visitors from Germany and the countries arround. For some time, we offer the content also in the languages English and Spanish. For that reason we expect a lot of more visitors from all arround the web. As possible, it would be nice, you place an advertice in this three languages, but it is not a precondition.

If you are interested, fill out the following fields and click the "submit"-button.

Readings of sender
First name:
Last name:
E-mail address*:


Data Protection Notice*:

I have noted the data privacy statement and consent to the electronic storage and processing of my data.

Notice: Consent may be revoked at any time with future effect (e-mail address and more: See imprint).

Spam protection code*

To avoid automatic transfered inputs/spamcomments, please enter the following 6 (six) characters in the field beneath.


Fields marked with * (e-mail adress, message area, data protection notice, spam protection code) are obligatory fields. The fields for the rest of this form you can leave blank.

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Werbung: Angebot Webdesign für kleines Geld.

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