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the birdhouse

The birdhouse

is opened 24 hours a day.
During the day, great tits, robin redbreasts
and other small birds
look forward to the bird fat ball
and the birdseed in the birdhouse.

Picture 1: The great tit (Parus major)

Also a couple of bullfinches
(dolt / pyrrhula pyrrhula)
drops in on the birdhouse.

And with this birds, it′s the same
than with the racing cyclists,
that overtake you if you are jogging.

"The coloured ones,
allways are male".

Picture 2: The Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

Also this couple of long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus),
will not miss this delicious meal.

Picture 3: The long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)

This greenfinch ((Carduelis chloris),
is sitting well camouflaged between die green of the brunches.

Picture 4: The greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)

And for this blackbird (Turdus merula),
the birdhouse nearly seems to be too small.

Picture 5: The blackbird (Turdus merula)

And at night ...
... other guests are coming - noctual guests.
On sight of the tasty seeds,
the heart of this mouse beats greatly.
And we also see, by means of the
frazzle net of the birds fat ball,
either the sitting position
on the tit dumpling is very hard,
or the sunflower seeds in the birdhouse are simply more delicious. ...

Picture 15: Mouse in the birdhouse

... The small mouse has to pay attention,
to the fellow with the flashlight.
And has to watch, what he is doing.
But someone,
who places so delicious seeds to the birdhouse,
can not be a bad person. ...

Picture 16: The mouse during dinner

... and in between the meal,
it wouldn't hurt to make sure,
that the coast is clear.

Picture 17: The mouse on the way home

And here you will
find me in the




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